If you’re still not using the popular social media platform TikTok to market your brand, you’re missing out! With more than 1.2 billion active users, TikTok is becoming one of the hottest platforms on the planet. It has not just become a place for millennials to share their music videos but also a channel for brands to connect with their audience and make new connections. 

Also, if you are wondering how to set up a business profile on TikTok or what things you need to keep in mind while creating it, this article is for you! Read on to know everything about creating an effective profile that promotes your business!

Create a Cohesive Brand Presence

The first step toward creating an effective TikTok profile for your business is to create a cohesive brand presence on the platform. When you create an account for your business on TikTok, you are given a public profile similar to a Facebook or Instagram profile. 

You have the option to add a profile photo and fill out key information about your business. This is your first opportunity to let your potential customers know who you are, what you do, and who you serve.

Use a Great Profile Image

The first thing that people will see when they click on your profile is your image. People will associate your brand with your profile image. Therefore, it is important to choose a photo that represents your brand. Your profile photo should be large, eye-catching, and representative of your brand. 

TikTok also allows you to change your profile photo when you want to change to a new one. If you are using TikTok for marketing your business, your profile photo should be a high-quality photo that is visually appealing. 

A photo of your product or service on a plain background will not attract attention. If you want people to click on your profile and maybe even visit your website, you need a photo that will catch their eye. Avoid using your company logo for your profile image as this can look too commercial.

Write an Enticing Description

Once you’ve established the visual aspects of your profile and photo, the next step is to write a brief description of your company. This will show up underneath your profile photo. Your company description should consist of a few lines that briefly describe your business, who you are, and what you do. You only have 80 characters so make it brief and to the point.

Use Keywords in your Profile

Identify the best keywords for your niche and incorporate the most relevant ones in your profile. This will help people who are searching for businesses like yours find your profile and interact with you.

Add Clickable Links and a Persuasive Call to Action

If you have a website, you can also link to your site from your TikTok business profile. This way, you can drive more traffic to your site. You can also link to your social media profiles from your TikTok profile to make it easier for people to follow you on other platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter. 

This will help you build credibility, trust, and authority. Visitors to your profile will click on links to visit other websites. Add a persuasive call to action (CTA) to encourage users to click through to your website.

If you want to learn more about Tiktok for Business, join our Facebook group


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