If you live stream frequently or even just creating video content, you know how important it is to efficiently post your content on social media. Some questions you might have are:

“Am I going to include everything I outlined for my stream and not forget?”

“Do I work better on the fly”?

Or, “Do I feel better if I have a chance to mess up and start over?”

Sometimes, it's intimidating to present content live. There's a certain comfort in preventing slipups or stutters by recording ahead of time and avoiding that stage fright altogether.

Here at StreamYard, we saw that need, heard from our customers, and created a feature that our users use every single day.

If you're anything like me, I could make a video a thousand times before I feel it is up to par with the vision I had in my head. I love the ability to create content I'm really proud of and post it as if it was live.

This article will talk about the benefits of pre-recorded live videos using StreamYard. Let's dive in.

What Is Pre-Recorded Streaming?

A pre-recorded live stream is a video that has the components of what you would see on a live stream but is recorded and uploaded ahead of time. For example, maybe you live stream yourself playing video games or have a weekly show where you interview people in your community. The only difference between this live content and pre-recorded content is that your film ahead of time.

The Advantages Of Having Pre-Recorded Stream

In the pandemic, connecting with each other via live video became essential. Many of our favorite live events went online, like concerts and theater. Live video content became the one way we could still connect and partake in events.

More and more people are starting to prefer streamed content instead of in-person events for safety and the ability to access content from around the world. With the option to see great art pieces or learn a new skill from your own home, the demand is high for content, and the need for pre-recorded content grows tenfold.

The ability to record, schedule, and distribute content will become all the more critical in the future. This is why the potential of pre-recorded content is endless.

A great way to use a pre-recorded live stream is when you aren't going to be available. For example, maybe you are traveling for a convention that will give you ample opportunities to make connections for your business but have a weekly show and an expectant audience. So, with pre-recorded streaming, you can keep up with your streaming schedule and still make those connections.

Or maybe, you need a vacation, but you have a crafting YouTube channel with devoted followers or a meditation group that relies on your weekly gathering. You can still generate this content but don't need to prioritize your own time and well-being for your show.

How To Choose Between Pre-Recorded And Live Streaming: Pros And Cons

If pre-recorded content is guaranteed to give you the quality you seek at the time you want, why would anyone want to live stream?

Well, for the exact reasons I mentioned before. The focus is on live engagement. What you gain by streaming live is an active audience that you can respond to and engage with during the stream. What you lose by pre-recording content is that engagement.

We always want to insist to our users that the critical component of live streaming is consistency and engagement with your audience. Suppose you aren't focusing on engaging with your audience in real-time. Then, you lose out on ample opportunities to answer questions, call your users to participate in the stream actively, and hear their thoughts immediately.

One missing feature of pre-recorded streaming is bringing up comments on-screen. Users love seeing their and others' comments. So when the stream isn't live, losing that ability can be a drawback of recording. Even though this is not available for you when uploading pre-recorded content, you should still go back and engage with people afterward.

Maintaining an audience is key to being successful as a content creator. Unfortunately, because the pre-recorded setup is done ahead of time, you lose that active connection to your audience through the screen, which can be a massive issue for frequent live streamers.

? Try StreamYard for free! https://streamyard.com/pal/4859907029073920

We cover connecting destinations, scheduling, inviting guests, simulcasting/multi-streaming, setting up your branding, and much more.

For additional documentation, visit https://web.facebook.com/groups/streamyardforbeginners

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