Write your way to a successful Internet business through article marketing. This viral marketing tactic is all about writing and hiring freelance writers to compose ads and feature articles to promote their businesses, products and services. These articles are usually keyword-centric, which means that when you write for a client, you will be asked to compose your articles around specific keywords or phrases. These words are then linked to the client’s actual website. 

Tips to Start Earning Money through Article Marketing

Remember that if you want to earn money through this Internet business model, you have to be specific about what you write because article sites such as about.com, ezine.com and ehow.com are very particular about the content of each article they receive. If your posts have passed their quality checks, you can be sure that you’ll get paid for your work. All important information should be included in your articles and a resource box needs to be added if you’re quoting lines or phrases from existing posts on the Internet. 

You also need to find clients that will pay on a regular basis and agree on what that basis will be. If you are wondering how you are going to get paid, there are several ways to receive money from clients. They include: direct deposits, credit cards, moneygrams and online payment transaction sites such as Paypal. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Article Marketing

If you are seriously thinking about taking on article writing, you need to understand the benefits you can get out of this business. One positive thing about article marketing is the fact that finding clients is not that difficult, although it will depend on how much you’re willing to accept to do the work. 

There are tons of legit online job postings for content writing so there would be potential jobs available a lot of the time. Another great thing about this is that payment can be received instantly. Depending on your agreement with your clients, you can get paid straightaway, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Experienced writers should be able to write about a wide range of topics. The more flexibility you have in this area, the more work you will be able to do. Work can include: articles, blog posts, product reviews, news items, product intros, ebooks, reports, resumes and much more. Your working week will be filled with variety and new things to write about.

When it comes to the “cons” of article marketing, there are several points that you also need to consider. Since there are thousands of article writers that are competing for jobs, there will be times when you will be offered low rates. This means there is no guarantee that you will be earning thousands of dollars at a time. The chances of having duplicates or articles having similar content is very high. You may end up revising your material just to meet client requirements. 

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