Raising well-mannered and kind kids can be a challenge. This is because your kids are often exposed to things that influence how they act, talk, or behave. For instance, TV shows. It is easier for your child to learn bad behavior than good. 

The kind of friends that your kids have can also influence how they dress or conduct themselves. Therefore, it is wise to know and understand the best ways of discouraging bad behavior in your children and ensure you raise well-mannered kids. 

Have you ever tried correcting your child only to have him repeat the same mistake over and over? I’m sure you have. The main reason why your kid pretends to listen when corrected only to repeat the same mistake is that you are not doing it right. You may be using harsh words or screaming when reprimanding your kid. This is not ideal. Using negative words, yelling, or screaming at the top of your lungs when correcting your child will never produce positive results. The only thing you accomplish by doing that is forcing him or her to be more defensive and continue walking down the wrong path. 

What is the best way of discouraging bad behavior in my child? You may ask. There are several ways of discouraging bad behavior in kids but storytelling is the most effective. This is because the best way for kids to learn, understand, and mimic what they hear or see is through storytelling as well as setting a good example. Telling stories to your kids as a way of showing them that there are always consequences to actions will help them learn good behavior easily. 

When your children know and understand that bad behavior will not go unpunished, they will be more inclined to do the right thing. When they know that good behavior will be rewarded and applauded, sticking to what’s right will not be burdensome. 

The most important thing to remember when correcting your child is to adhere to the rules that you set. For instance, if you say “When you play nice with your baby brother you will have an additional 10 minutes to watch your favorite cartoons before going to bed,” make sure you give her the extra time as promised. When you say “Hitting your little sister isn’t nice. It won’t be tolerated. If you do it again, you will have a timeout or you won’t play with your toys for the next hour,” make sure that happens. Don’t encourage bad behavior by overlooking the wrong deed or taking what you said lightly. Ensure your child receives the punishment as stated. That is how you teach him or her to take what you say seriously and learn proper conduct. 

How storytelling discourages bad behavior in kids

Storytelling is the most efficient way of discouraging bad behavior in kids because it helps you to teach good behavior gently and discreetly. This is because most parents fail to get through to their children because of being aggressive when correcting them. Screaming, yelling, or using negative words to discourage unacceptable behavior is not going to give you the results you are looking for. If you are guilty of this, try replacing it with telling stories instead. 

Pick stories that are relevant to your child’s age. Stories that your kid can understand and relate to will have the most significant impact on how they act, talk, or behave. For example, if you are trying to discourage bad behavior in your toddler, choose stories that have bright and clear pictures, and a few words. Stick to short stories that identify negative behavior, explain the consequences of such behavior, and in the end, provide one valuable lesson. This will help your toddler to understand that certain behaviors are unacceptable and will be punished. 

Ensure you also read stories that talk about acceptable behavior and how good behavior always gets rewarded. This will help your child to pick up good behavior quickly. 

If you are dealing with teenagers, choose stories that pique their interest and keep them attentive. Ensure you stick to telling stories that they can relate to. This is the only way of getting through to them. 

As you tell your story, pay attention to how your teen reacts. Look at the facial expressions, pay attention to what he or she says and take it seriously. 

Bear in mind that the most practical way of discouraging bad behavior in teens is by talking as well as listening to their concerns or what they have to say about acting in a certain way. Avoid dictating what your child should do or constantly bringing up or pointing out wrongs. Understand and acknowledge that your teen has strong opinions about her identity and desires to be treated like an adult. Talk about unacceptable behavior, set clear rules, and agree on the punishment that comes with failing to adhere to them. 

Always punish bad behavior and reward good behavior. That is how you teach your kids to take what you say seriously. That is how you discourage bad behavior and easily encourage good behavior.

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