Being a reader l have come across a whole lot of stories from historical, romantic, crime; all of them soothing my imagination but nothing hits the right spot like a tragic story, one of disappointment, regret coupled with pain. Even the most joyful of stories always include such a twist, it can't be the whole story if it is all joys and never tears because that will only be a fairytale, and even fairytales have their lows. Love, happiness, and good moments are always the highlights, but for there to exist a highlight there is supposed to be a couple of moments less high; the discouraging ones. The concussion of it all makes the perfect story.

The bittersweet story plot doesn’t only stop with movies and books, it follows us into reality. It is our day to day living, these stories are part of our lives unraveling before us every single minute. In all of our minds, the perfect life would be one without adversity where everything is always in line, in place with everything we hope it should be. We long for a story free of disappointment and grief. Stories are being written by our actions daily, some are just the stories we tell ourselves. Just like in any fictional story ours comes with suspense and some hints of discouraging moments as well. No matter how we may try to avoid it, life is a balanced package that comes with a little bit of everything and you do not get to choose only the rosy parts.

Afterlife awards us with its full package. What separates us from being victims of circumstances to survivors is the way we react to what has been thrown our way. Your story might be seemingly very discouraging but in those very moments, you can get the best out of yourself and even those who get to hear it. The power of a discouraging story can only be unveiled when one carries the right attitude towards the story in action. Most people carry around their stories and perceive them as unworthy of sharing with the world because of all the negativity they might carry but we forget that from that negativity can be birthed something beautiful, after all a butterfly never starts beautiful.

By carrying the right attitude, one of looking at the story from a different light can help you get the best out of it. When you have accepted the part of your story you are at, seeing things clearly for what they are and allowing yourself to embrace your emotions. When we acknowledge the discouraging situations and are not stuck in denial it is easier to seek solutions and ways to be on top of the situation.

A discouraging story, be it your own or an account of someone else's experience has a way of getting one in touch with their core. It allows you to reflect and connect better with yourself. You get a closer look at your life, see the mistakes, what needs to be worked on and you connect better with your sense of meaning. After hearing a story of something discouraging somebody went through it becomes easier for you to look at your own life and see all the things to be grateful for. There is an emotional connection that comes after the foretelling of discouraging events or even us experiencing them, it makes us relate more to other people's problems, we become more empathetic and more helpful to others in the process. Discouraging stories awaken the humanity in us.

An opportunity to reevaluate and strategize, once you hear a story of somebody who has been through what you are going through no matter how discouraging it might be, it gets you a step closer to your goal. These stories allow us to learn and pick useful life lessons as well as give them with our stories. Your discouraging story might awaken inspiration in the next person.

Resilience is birthed in the most difficult of situations, the best thing you could get out of a discouraging story is the art of being resilient in the face of adversity. As discouraging as they might be, they bring a message of hope to those who care to listen to them with the right attitude of growth. Experiencing and sharing or being on the receiving end of hearing these accounts allows you to cultivate and develop a positive attitude, reacting proactively to discouraging moments that might come your way. You begin to see disappointing and discouraging moments as an opportunity to recharge and refocus.

The more you are exposed to discouraging accounts or the more you share your own with others you end up redefining discouraging because from all those situations you will be learning and growing.  Every discouraging story will have a plot twist one of change and hope, it might not be for the one who shared it but it definitely will be for the one who hears it. Share your story and get the best out of your discouraging story.

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