“To write or not to write?” –That is not the question. If you are a writer at heart, you are going to write. The questions are: “What?” and “For whom?” If you write with only yourself in mind, you will likely receive rejection letters. You need a different approach, one that is aimed toward a particular audience.
Consider running your articles in a blog format and not pitching a product in every article. People will read quality articles, but they will tire of constant marketing. If you place your call to action, in every fourth or fifth article, it can drive more conversions than if you are beating the marketing drum in every post.
Write from your stream of consciousness. Writing down your thoughts on the topic as they come to mind is the best way to make a smooth and flowing article. At this stage, do not take the time to proofread or edit, as you will only distract yourself from what it is you are trying to say.
Remember to add a request that requires action. At the end of your articles, you should tell your readers what you want them to do, and include obvious methods to perform the task, such as adding large buttons. Your potential customers are more likely to act if you have made it easy to see how to do so.
Search out guest blogging positions. Blogs are often searching for someone to do a guest spot for them, and if you are lucky enough, or a good enough writer, you will be chosen to write an article for them. Use this position to plug your own website as well as the product you are writing about.
Make sure the articles you post on your website are not only fresh and interesting but also well-written. An article that contains grammatical errors and misspellings instantly conveys a sense of incompetence. Proofread your work not once or twice but three times. Use a reliable spellchecker. An attention-grabbing, polished article is one that people are going to want to share.
After you have completed an article, put a resource box at the end of the page urging readers to get involved. Make sure that you include a link back to your company website. This will generate activity, and hopefully revenue, for your personal business and increase awareness about who you are and what you do.
When it comes to successful article marketing, Billy Idol said it best, “More, more, more!” The more content you're putting out there – high-quality content, though, not garbage content – means the more you're being viewed by your targeted audience. Make sure you're writing as much content as you can. The more the better when it comes to marketing.
Keep your reader interested from the beginning of your article, until the end. Use real-life stories when possible and try to “paint a picture”. Interesting articles will keep your readers engaged and have them coming back for more. They are also more likely to view you as an authority on your chosen subject matter.
One important technical aspect of effective article marketing is to use sentences of varying lengths when you write. Short sentences are the most effective, but repeated short sentences are stultifying. Long sentences can explain more complex ideas. They are more likely to confuse and slow readers down, though. The ideal article uses a healthy dose of both kinds.
When you proofread articles prior to submitting or publishing them, you will probably find more than a few long sentences that seem clumsy and hard to understand. Rather than sweating bullets over mending these sentences, take a Gordian Knot approach: cut them in two. Replacing a complicated sentence with two (or more) simple ones is perfectly valid English usage.
Use numbers, bullets, and lists. Readers want to scan articles and grab information quickly. Write your articles so your readers can pull out the important information as quickly as possible. Lists and bullets also keep your writing concise, which helps keep your articles packed with more information and value for your readers. Add numbers in your titles, such as “4 Secrets for…” or “5 Top Tips to…”
Now that you have sorted out the kind of publications for which you will write articles, you are ready for a fresh start. You have an image of the reader for whom you are writing. You may still receive rejection letters, but you should also receive some acceptance.
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