When something works in business, you stick with it. This applies to using Facebook as a marketing tool for your company. Although it's only been around for about a decade, Facebook is a proven success when it comes to marketing campaigns. The following article will show you how to capitalize on this very useful tool for business.

  1. If you're having trouble gaining followers, you can offer sweepstakes in return for their “Like”. Just place the sweepstakes in a tab on your company's page and have them fill it out with their email address, specifying that only those who Like your page will be eligible for the contest.
  2. You can build value for your Facebook campaign by using this platform to share exclusive content. Give some specific examples of the kind of exclusive content your subscribers have access to. You could for instance use Facebook to share some coupon codes or let your subscribers know about the new products you have not released yet.
  3. Do not hesitate to share links to other sites on Facebook. If you come across an article or a video your audience will be interested in, think about sharing it on Facebook. It is best to avoid sharing links to websites you are in competition against or you could lose customers.
  4. Be careful of any images you post as ads, as only 20% of the image can be actual text. If you end up submitting an image that has more than 20% text, it will be rejected and you've wasted your time. Be creative and create an image that captures your audience's attention.
  5. Facebook allows you to have both a profile picture and a cover picture. Make sure that both of these have something to do with your business. In addition, do not make the pictures too complex or flashy. You want them to be easily identifiable to your target market. If they are not, someone could be confused about what your page is really about.
  6. Integrate your campaign across multiple platforms. You want your branding, your site's look and feel, to be consistent across your Facebook page, your website, your Twitter page, your YouTube channel, and so on. Consistent branding will make visitors feel more at home on all your business's advertising platforms, and therefore encourage more use of all the platforms.

Using Facebook for marketing purposes makes sense and cents! Use the information from this article to begin your marketing campaign and reach an unlimited amount of new customers. When something works in business, it catches on and everyone starts taking advantage of it. Today there are literally millions of companies on Facebook: What are you waiting for?

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