Have you ever wondered why people do not get you? Why do they not understand your actions and approach to life? Many recruiting companies are making job seekers go through personality tests but they are never bothered to find out the reason behind each of the candidate’s personalities. Sometimes all it takes for the people around you to understand you is to hear your story. You have a story, everyone does. The way you were brought up plays a huge role in your character development. The relationships you have been through mold certain personality traits. The schools you went to condition your intellect and way of thinking. What is your story? Are you ready to tell it to those willing to listen? You should, because believe it or not, telling your story can remove the mystery around your personality.
If you are being considered for a certain opportunity that you have been waiting for or chasing for a long time, make sure you tell your story when you make your pitch. Those listening may take to your story and it can very well work to your advantage. If they do not, it is ok as well, after all, you do not want to get in bed with people who do not get and understand who you are. Whether it is dark or rosy, you should be proud of your story and tell it whenever you get the chance. Your story demystifies your personality and that is very important. Even more important, you have to understand that life stories do not only reveal your personality but they are a part of your personality.
Your life story explains why you act the way you act and what your actions mean to you. When the people around you get an understanding of the important parts of your being, it improves the way they collaborate or relate to you. Of course, there are people out there who will be repelled by your life story. It is normal and it should not stop you from sharing because there are a lot of other people who will be receptive. Another thing you must take note of is that most of the time when you fail to get along with other people it is usually caused by a lack of insight into each other’s personalities.
Everyone has many facets to them. Our conduct is shaped by many different aspects, some of which we never get to confront because we fear reliving the trauma that they put us through. Consciously we take uncountable decisions each day but in essence, there are also uncountable emotions and thought patterns driving them from behind the scenes. This is why it is important to be slow at taking things at face value but to be diligent to dig deeper and find out the why.
Someone has a jovial personality because they were brought up in a loving and happy home and so it was natural for them to absorb that energy from parents or guardians and keep it. Another one has a similar temperament because they have lived through seasons of huge grief and when they decided to pick themselves up, joy became that one thing they resolved to keep as a result of knowing the price of holding on to the opposite. Different people at different stages in their lives can be motivated by any of these individuals to also cultivate a happy culture in their lives.
Tell your story to those who care to listen so that you may be understood. Let them in on those experiences that shaped you into the person you are today. Sometimes it isn’t enough to insist on your opinions without explaining how you came to hold them. They may not agree with you but when they acknowledge your reasons then they cease to give you unnecessary resistance so try and share. Being able to talk about past experiences, especially the tough ones, is also a sign that you have gotten over them or at least learned a thing or two from them.
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